public class ChatClient { private Socket socket = null; private SendThread sendThread = null; private ReceiveThread receiveThread = null; private BlockingQueue messageQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(Constants.MESSAGE_QUEUE_CAPACITY); private List conversationHistory = new ArrayList(); public ChatClient(final String host, final int port) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { socket = new Socket(host, port); } catch (IOException ioException) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "An exception has occurred while creating the socket: " + ioException.getMessage()); if (Constants.DEBUG) { ioException.printStackTrace(); } } startThreads(); } }).start(); } public ChatClient(Context context, Socket socket) { this.socket = socket; startThreads(); } public void sendMessage(String message) { try { messageQueue.put(message); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "An exception has occurred: " + interruptedException.getMessage()); if (Constants.DEBUG) { interruptedException.printStackTrace(); } } } private class SendThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { PrintWriter printWriter = Utilities.getWriter(socket); if (printWriter != null) { try { while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { String content = messageQueue.take(); if (content != null) { printWriter.println(content); printWriter.flush(); Message message = new Message(content, Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT); conversationHistory.add(message); // display the message in the graphic user interface } } } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "An exception has occurred: " + interruptedException.getMessage()); if (Constants.DEBUG) { interruptedException.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void stopThread() { interrupt(); } } private class ReceiveThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { BufferedReader bufferedReader = Utilities.getReader(socket); if (bufferedReader != null) { try { while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { String content = bufferedReader.readLine(); if (content != null) { Message message = new Message(content, Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_RECEIVED); conversationHistory.add(message); // display the message in the graphic user interface } } } catch (IOException ioException) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "An exception has occurred: " + ioException.getMessage()); if (Constants.DEBUG) { ioException.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void stopThread() { interrupt(); } } public void setConversationHistory(List conversationHistory) { this.conversationHistory = conversationHistory; } public List getConversationHistory() { return conversationHistory; } public void startThreads() { sendThread = new SendThread(); sendThread.start(); receiveThread = new ReceiveThread(); receiveThread.start(); } public void stopThreads() { sendThread.stopThread(); receiveThread.stopThread(); try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException ioException) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "An exception has occurred while closing the socket: " + ioException.getMessage()); if (Constants.DEBUG) { ioException.printStackTrace(); } } } }